… yet lie (by omission) about “racist” and “sexist” facts (#HateFacts)
- “a single-sanction Honor Code, in which any offense results in expulsion regardless of severity” [Some academic institutions have]
- “like the military system, it considers tolerance of a violation itself a violation”
- “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” (West Point: Honor Code)
Such single-sanction Honor Code is even more strict than our 4HONESTY code
4HONESTY could learn from West Point code’s strict rigor regarding
- “single-sanction punishment”: one strike and you are out
- “tolerance of a violation itself a violation”
If we model our 4HONESTY code after this, we could not tolerate
- the dishonest media gag orders that mandate lying by lying by omission
- the NYT or any MSM, FBI and CIA who got caught red-handed lying about the Hunter Biden’s laptop1, the Russia hoax2, “hands-up-don’t-shoot”3, …
Anti-racist gag orders override Honor Codes
Yet the West Point Code clearly is dishonest, according to our definitions of honesty
- It is clear that West point obeys the “Racism
Exception to Civilized and Honest Behavior”. Media, cadets
are REQUIRED TO LIE4.- Nobody is shocked about
socially accepted lies and gag orders!! Richard
Nixon was aware of the dilemma.
- Nobody is shocked about
- VMI will change honor system that expels Black cadets at disproportionate rates
- Cadets could never report #HateFacts like:
- Blacks are overrepresented in discipline failures.
- women cadets underperform physically and
- Blacks underperform intellectually and in discipline/crime
- Honor codes will go the way of SAT testing. A good thing gets abolished because of “racism” and “equity”5
Critical race theory (CRT) can only survive when #HateFacts are taboo.
Military academies teach patently false CRT.
Critical race theory can only survive because of PC gag orders, that hide relevant facts about “minority” crime and IQ.
If the cadets were allowed to HONESTLY compare their experiences of black cadet performance, and discuss the race differences, critical race theory would fall apart.
- Major Military Academies Have Been Teaching Critical Race Theory .
- Virginia Military Institute ‘Equity Audit’ Attacks School History
- Virginia Military Institute Went Woke, Enrollment Fell 25%
- America’s Racial Awakening Forces Virginia Military Institute to …
- Oldest US Military College Breaks Out in Chaos as Former Students …
- State Official Promotes Critical Race Theory-Based Classes At …
- A racial reckoning arrived at West Point, where being black is a ‘beautifully painful experience’
West Point Academy to Investigate Allegations of Racism After Alumni Letter
#Hatefacts are taboo at Honor Code Academies
We are certain that West Point and other honor code schools will actively and intentionally omit taboo #Hatefacts, factually true information about “minority” flaws and failures. Examples of such taboo information would be
- “racist facts” that Blacks commit disproportionally more Honor code violations.
- “sexist facts”, problems caused by physically weaker and underperforming women
- Why No Honor Code Trial of Jackie Coakley in Her Haven Monahan Hoax Slander6? (she is a girl concocting false stories of sexual assault)
- It is more likely that the Honor code goes the way of the SAT. The honor codes will be abolished because Blacks (Hispanics, Chinese?) can not obey such stringent rules.
Unlike 4Honesty.com and Sincerity.net, the West Point honor code
- does NOT emphasize the sins of omission and of cherry-picking:
- does NOT focus on FULL DISCLOSURE.
- does NOT bemoan lack of FULL DISCLOSURE by deceptive omissions and cherry-picking
- untruth #Hatefacts
- racism exception
Why we can’t have nice things: Honor code division… – The Unz Review
Academic honor codes are a nice part of traditional college culture in the South. When I was at Rice U. in Houston, because we had an honor code, we had all sorts of flexible arrangements, such as take-home closed-book tests that you could take any time you wanted during finals weeks7 […]
Honor systems are mostly self-enforcing. But honor systems require the occasional severe enforcement, which can lead to disparate impact, which as we all know is the worst thing in the world. Thus, at Stonewall Jackson’s old campus, the Virginia Military Institute, from the Washington Post:
VMI will change honor system that expels Black cadets at disproportionate rates
If West Point Tolerates Cheating, It Violates Its Own Honor Code
Indeed, the final part of the West Point Honor Code (“or tolerate those who do”) is no doubt the most difficult part to comply with. It is one thing to maintain your own integrity, another to report a peer who cheats. But without that final clause, honor becomes a solitary experience, not an organizational coda.
More Than 70 West Point Cadets Accused of Cheating on Remote…
“West Point honor code and character development program remains strong despite remote learning and the challenges brought by the pandemic,” Ophardt said, according to The Associated Press. “Cadets are being held accountable for breaking the code.”
- 3.
West Point Cadets: Honor, Leadership, America
The West Point Mission is “To educate, train, and inspire the Corps of Cadets so that each graduate is a commissioned leader of character committed to the values of Duty, Honor, Country and prepared for a career of professional excellence and service to the Nation as an officer in the United States Army.”
- 4.
“Honor Codes: What Would Robert E. Lee Do?” 123 Comments
Here are the findings in the UVA alumni magazine of an analysis of the last 100 years of honor code enforcement: African American students have been over-represented and whites under-represented in Honor enforcement, but the disparity between black and white has narrowed over the last 30 years.
- 5.
West Point–NYPD Parallels
There is no place for aspiring U.S. Army officers who dishonor the ethics of the West Point Honor Code. The honorable service in America’s military demands leaders of character, ethics, and moral courage. Policing is also an honorable, admirable, and ethical profession.
A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” (West Point: Honor Code)
[…] Since it applies to all facets of a cadet’s life, a cadet honor code is distinct from an academic honor code, which is used at many universities and colleges around the world but applies to academic conduct only. The codes apply to all cadets enrolled in the military programs at the institutions which use them.[…]
U.S. Air Force Academy
The code adopted was based largely on West Point’s Honor Code, but was modified slightly to its current wording:[8]
We will not lie, steal, or cheat, nor tolerate among us anyone who does.
Academic_honor_code (WikiPedia)
The codes are as old as the academies themselves and simply state that cadets and midshipmen do not lie, cheat or steal, nor tolerate those who do. A single-sanction Honor Code, in which any offense results in expulsion regardless of severity, exists at Virginia Military Institute, which features a “drum out” ceremony which is still carried out upon a cadet’s dismissal. Outside of the military, Washington and Lee University and the University of Virginia also have single sanction codes.
At three of the service academies and at Virginia Military Institute, anyone who learns of an honor code violation is required to report it.[2] Failure to do so is considered “toleration,” which itself violates the code. That also holds true at schools with combined cadet and traditional student programs, such as Norwich University, Texas A&M, and The Citadel, whose honor codes specifically provide that all students, both cadets and civilians, do not “tolerate those who do.” It is notable that the three Senior Military Colleges have two honor codes, one for cadets and one for civilians, whether on-campus or through distance online programs, etc.[3][4][5] The Honor Concept of the Brigade of Midshipmen at the United States Naval Academy allows the observer of an honor violation to confront the accused without formally reporting. It was found that it was more constructive at developing the honor of midshipmen. A non-toleration clause, on the other hand, is believed to make enemies of classmates. Additionally, it is thought that one’s true honor, if other than utmost, was not able to be formally remediated when hidden from public view. Under the academies’ honor codes, violators can face severe punishment, up to being forwarded for expulsion by the Secretary of the Army, Navy, or Air Force.[6]
Stringent honor codes, however, are not limited to military institutions. The all-male Hampden–Sydney College is reputed for an honor code system on a par with military systems,[citation needed] which extends to all student activities both on and off campus (off-campus violations can be prosecuted), and also like the military system, it considers tolerance of a violation itself a violation. Like the Naval Academy, however, those who witness a violation are encouraged to confront the violator and convince them to turn themselves in before resorting to reporting the violation. Another school with a very strict honor code is Brigham Young University. The university not only mandates honest behavior but also incorporates various aspects of Mormon religious law: drinking, smoking, drug use, premarital sex and same-sex relationships are all banned. Also, the code includes standards for dress and grooming. Men must be clean-shaven, and men and women cannot wear short shorts or other revealing clothing.[7]
American academic honor systems8
- Look How Media Covered The Russia Hoax Vs. Hunter Biden‘s Laptop // FBI Colluded With Big Tech To Suppress Hunter Biden Laptop // FBI’s False Labeling Of Biden Laptop As Disinfo Is Really Bad
- Trump: Truth About “Fake News” Reporting On “Russia Hoax” Is… // The Russian Collusion Hoax Lives On Through MSNBC
- “Hands Up Don‘t Shoot” Was A Lie. Data Shows Latest… // ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ ranked one of biggest ‘Pinocchios’ of .. // ‘Hands up, don’t shoot’ did not happen in Ferguson
- Media code gag
orders are accepted by wide bipartisan consensus. Restrictions to
#TrueSpeech are not
subject to opposition. Even right winger Richard
Nixon wanted to repress the truth about lower Black IQ. The entire
Western world has been subjected to half a century of restriction to
#TrueSpeech and information blackout.- Not So Great Reset Rolls On: UC Abolishes SAT, ACT… // Mexican vs. Asian War Brewing Over Abolishing SAT/ACT at U. of… // Q. Why is the SAT falling out of favor?
- Jackie lied countless times to slander fellow UVA students. I used to assume that she had some serious problems involving delusions, but the evidence is clear now that she lied over and over for rational reasons of gaining various petty advantages for herself, like trying to snag a handsome boyfriend, getting out trouble for bad grades, being a star on campus in today’s anti-straight white male atmosphere of hate, and becoming a quasi-national celebrity on campus.Why No Honor Code Trial of Jackie Coakley in Her Haven Monahan Hoax Slander?
Academic honor codes are a nice part of traditional college culture in the South. When I was at Rice U. in Houston, because we had an honor code, we had all sorts of flexible arrangements, such as take-home closed-book tests that you could take any time you wanted during finals weeks.
The Honor Code fosters a spirit of freedom, independence, honesty and mutual trust that exemplifies the academic enterprise at its best. In most courses, students are able to schedule final exams when they want them, rather than having two exams on the same day or three or four in a row. In many cases, exams may be taken in the library or in the students’ rooms. Exams for large classes are scheduled for specific times, but even those are not proctored.
You had to sign on the test bluebook:
“On my honor, I have neither given nor received any unauthorized aid on this (exam, quiz, paper).”
The basic idea behind this code created by Rice students in 1916 was that you were supposed to conduct yourself like an officer and gentleman of the Confederate Army: What Would Robert E. Lee Do?
I don’t recall that freedom at UCLA, although it does now have a Student Conduct Code. But my eyes glaze over reading just the first 4 paragraphs of an endless document
There are a lot of good things about UCLA (e.g., the weather), but honor isn’t one that immediately springs to mind.
Many military academies have strict Honor systems, such as the following:
In addition, the following colleges with a Corps of Cadets maintain an honor code for both the cadets and civilian students:
- Norwich University
- Texas A&M University
- Virginia Military Institute
- Virginia Tech
- The Citadel
- There are also traditional liberal arts and technical universities that maintain Honor systems:
- Amherst College, (Massachusetts)
- Birmingham-Southern College, (Alabama)
- Brigham Young University, (Utah)
- Bryn Mawr College, (Pennsylvania)
- California Institute of Technology, (California)
- College of Idaho, (Idaho)
- College of William & Mary, (Virginia)
- Connecticut College, (Connecticut)
- Colorado College, (Colorado)
- Dartmouth College, (New Hampshire)
- Davidson College, (North Carolina)
- Duke University, (North Carolina)
- Georgia Institute of Technology, (Georgia)
- Gettysburg College, (Pennsylvania)
- Gustavus Adolphus College, (Minnesota)
- Hamilton College, (New York)
- Hampden–Sydney College, (Virginia)
- Harvard University, (Massachusetts)
- Harvey Mudd College, (California)
- Haverford College, (Pennsylvania)
- Hollins University, (Virginia)
- Johns Hopkins University, (Maryland)
- Kansas State University, (Kansas)
- K.J.Somaiya Institute of Management Studies and Research, (Mumbai, India)
- Knox College, (Illinois)
- Lawrence University, (Wisconsin)
- University of Maryland, College Park, (Maryland)
- University of Mary Washington, (Virginia)
- University of Michigan, (Michigan)
- Meredith College (North Carolina)
- Middlebury College (Vermont)
- Mount Holyoke College (Massachusetts)
- University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill, (North Carolina)
- Notre Dame of Maryland University, (Maryland)
- Lyon College, (Arkansas)
- Oberlin College, (Ohio)
- Oglethorpe University, (Georgia)
- Pohang University of Science and Technology, (Daegu-Gyeongbuk, Republic of Korea)
- Princeton University, (New Jersey)
- Reed College, (Oregon)
- Rice University, (Texas)
- Rhodes College, (Tennessee)
- University of the South, (Tennessee)
- Smith College,(Massachusetts)
- Southwestern University, (Texas)
- Stanford University, (California)
- Stevens Institute of Technology, (New Jersey)
- Texas A&M University, (Texas)
- Valparaiso University, (Indiana)
- University of Virginia, (Virginia)
- Vanderbilt University, (Tennessee)[8]
- Virginia Commonwealth University, (Virginia)
- Virginia Polytechnic Institute and State University, (Virginia)
- Washington and Lee University, (Virginia)
- Webb Institute, (New York)
- Wellesley College, (Massachusetts)
- Wheaton College, (Massachusetts)
- Williams College, (Massachusetts)
- Wilson College (Pennsylvania)
- William Peace University (North Carolina)
See also[edit]
- Ethical code
- Warrior code
- ^ “The Honor Code & Honor Councils”. William & Mary. Retrieved July 14, 2021.
- ^ “VMI Honor System History – VMI Archives – Virginia Military Institute”. www.vmi.edu. Archived
from the original on August 3, 2017. Retrieved April 24, 2018.
- ^ “Honor Code, Education”. Archived
from the original on September 23, 2015.
- ^ “Honor Code, Education”. Archived from the original
on September 14, 2016. Retrieved September 12, 2016.
- ^ “Honor Code, Education”. Archived
from the original on September 20, 2016.
- ^ “DoD Directive 1332.23, “Service Academy Disenrollment”, February 19, 1988″(PDF). Defense Technical Information Center. Archived from the original
(PDF) on June 5, 2011. Retrieved April 17, 2010.
- ^ “Honor Code Statement”. Honour Code Office. Brigham Young University. Archived from the original
on April 14, 2011. Retrieved April 7, 2011.
- ^ Anderson v. Vanderbilt University, No. 3-09-0095 (M.D. Tenn. May. 26, 2010)