Author name: admin

TruthGPT can change the world: “a maximum truth seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe”

Elon Musk to start ChatGPT rival called “TruthGPT”: “a maximum truth seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe” PC has totally warped our understanding of the social and political Universe @ElonMusk discusses creating an alternative to OpenAI, TruthGPT, because it is being trained to be politically correct and to lie to

TruthGPT can change the world: “a maximum truth seeking AI that tries to understand the nature of the universe” Read More »

“We are right and they’re wrong”. You know what happens when blacks get rid of white people? They get Haiti! (Jared Taylor, Amren)

Jared Taylor is 4HONESTY(for honesty). His Amren website (Videos) tells the truth missing in MSM, adds the facts that are missing to get FULL DISCLOSURE of all facets of the WHOLE TRUTH. Here Jared Taylor states what needs to be done to expose, oppose, and end brainwashing. Others speak half truths: Larry Elder tells half

“We are right and they’re wrong”. You know what happens when blacks get rid of white people? They get Haiti! (Jared Taylor, Amren) Read More »

Why is UTTER HONESTY a revolutionary concept? (#2)

ABSOLUTE, (SCIENTIFIC) HONESTY must be the non-negotiable, dogmatic rule (in public life, in journalism, politics, social sciences) “Honesty” means the #WholeTruth and nothing but the truth. FULL DISCLOSURE * of the WHOLE-TRUTH is the dogma of our religion. We must rescind the PC-religion of strategic omissions, of cherry-picking, and of gag orders. Mandatory truthfulness, one-pointed

Why is UTTER HONESTY a revolutionary concept? (#2) Read More »

“A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” (West Point: Honor Code)

… yet lie (by omission) about “racist” and “sexist” facts (#HateFacts) “a single-sanction Honor Code, in which any offense results in expulsion regardless of severity” [Some academic institutions have] “like the military system, it considers tolerance of a violation itself a violation” “A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” (West

“A cadet will not lie, cheat, steal, or tolerate those who do.” (West Point: Honor Code) Read More »

TOTAL HONESTY & FULL DISCLOSURE are necessary to reverse Western Decline

0 – Dishonesty has destroyed Western Societies Politically correct gag orders prohibit #TrueSpeech. These gag orders are socially acceptable, even mandatory. In North America NYT, AP, Reuters, NABJ, SPJ, Globe, and in Germany, Spain, Russia, Serbia, Finland, Hungary, Belarus, Pakistan’s media stylebook “ethics” PROHIBIT reporting race or religion of “minority” criminals. “The robbers were black” or “the child rapists

TOTAL HONESTY & FULL DISCLOSURE are necessary to reverse Western Decline Read More »
